Professional Development Workshops

The following workshops are approved for Professional Development Funding. MPTC is not responsible for PD funding applications as this falls under external governing bodies.

All workshops are 2 hours in length.

Cost – $150.00 per person

Practical Life Workshop – Part 1

Daily Living Skills for Independence in the Early Years 
This workshop will explore Practical Life/Daily Living Skills that participants can incorporate into their environment. The importance of independence and how it develops in the early years will also be discussed. Participants will receive Part 1 of the Practical Life/Dailly Living Skills document that describes, in detail, each activity presented and discussed during the workshop.

Practical Life Workshop – Part 2

Daily Living Skills for Independence in the Early Years 
This workshop will provide further practical activities that can be incorporated into the learning environment to aid independence. The workshop will also discuss, in further detail, why daily living activities are important in the early years and how they benefit the child’s development. Participants will receive Part 2 of the Practical Life/Dailly Living Skills document that describes, in detail, each activity presented and discussed during the workshop.

Sensorial Workshop – Exploring and Developing the Senses in the Early Years

This workshop will present Sensorial activities and materials that participants can incorporate into their environment. Participants will also explore the importance and purpose of Sensorial activities and how they educate and refine the child’s senses. Participants will receive the Sensorial document that describes, in detail, each activity presented and discussed during the workshop.

Language Workshop – Language Development in the Early Years

This workshop will explore the four aspects of language and the materials and activities used to assist the child in his/her language development. This includes listening, speaking, writing and reading. The phonetic approach to reading will also be examined. Participants will receive the Language document that describes, in detail, each activity presented and discussed during the workshop.

Mathematics Workshop – Building a Foundation for Mathematics in the Early Years

This workshop will present Arithmetic activities and materials that participants can incorporate into their environment. Participants will explore the benefit of the concrete Arithmetic materials and how they lead to the child’s understanding of our decimal system. Participants will receive the Arithmetic document that describes, in detail, each activity presented and discussed during the workshop.

Mathematics Workshop 2 – Building a Foundation for Mathematics in the Early Years

This workshop will present advanced Arithmetic activities and materials that participants can incorporate into their environment. Participants will continue to explore the benefit of the concrete Arithmetic materials and how they lead to the child’s understanding of abstract concepts for numbers and quantities 0 to 100 and more. Participants will receive the Arithmetic document that describes, in detail, each activity presented and discussed during the workshop.

Role of the Teacher

This interactive workshop will examine the role of the educator in the environment. The importance of professionalism, confidentiality, supervision/observation will be explored. Appropriate interactions with parents and other adults in the environment will also be discussed. Practical ideas that can be incorporated into the environment will be offered.

Effective Communication with Children

This workshop will explore the importance of effective communication with children and how to incorporate it consistently in the early childhood environment. It will also discuss how effective communication aids the child’s emotional, social, intellectual and physical development and how it leads to a peaceful environment.

Best Practices for the Montessori Guide Part 2

This session will offer you the opportunity to incorporate and apply the principles of Montessori pedagogy into the learning environment. You will examine, through practice, how the learning environment can meet the needs of the child in all areas of his/her development, lead to best practices and foster lifelong learning.

Culture Workshop – Exploring the World Around Us in the Early Years

This workshop will present Culture activities and materials that participants can incorporate into their environment. Participants will explore the importance of providing the young child with ‘keys to the world’ and how they enrich the child’s development. Participants will receive the Culture document that describes, in detail, each activity presented and discussed during the workshop.

Peace Education in the Classroom

Dr. Montessori believed that world peace begins with the child. This workshop will explore the importance of Peace Education in the classroom and provide practical ideas that can be incorporated to support mutual respect and social connection.

Best Practices for the Montessori Guide

This session will offer you the opportunity to reflect on your practice as an educator with a view to motivating the child in a positive manner and serving his/her needs in all areas of his/her development.

Inner Balance

Life’s highs and lows play on our emotions. This is no different for Educators. When you are with children, you need to be fully present. Our Inner Balance session offers you the opportunity of becoming the best, strongest, most confident version of yourself, inviting joy and contentment into your life.